Find the date code in a louis vuitton handbag  luxury replica  handbags and accessories. Come and buy superb items from world-leading brands at a fraction of their original price!

Luxury Bags is the first and also the biggest bazaar for luxury handbags and accessories in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Choose from brands such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada or other icons of international fashion, and purchase an original item for a fraction of its original price!

At Luxury Bags we seek out the most stylish handbags from the most prestigious brands for unbeatably low prices. 

You can find Luxury Bags in the Old Town of Prague, just a few steps from the location with the highest concentration of luxury and style in the Czech Republic. Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Dior and a plethora of international brands have their own place in our outlet, and are only waiting to dazzle you not only with their beauty, but also with their low prices. The main attraction of Luxury Bags lies in the fact that you can buy genuine luxury goods from us with substantial discounts and at the same time with a one hundred percent guarantee of originality.

So don't hesitate to come and see for yourself our current offer of handbags or check out our Facebook page. You're guaranteed to find what you're looking for!


The Luxury Bags company was established in 2007 at a different address, and originally operated as a rental outlet for luxury handbags. However, after one year we extended our offer of services with the purchase of handbags and accessories on the one hand, and the sale of used handbags and accessories on the other. It became clear that there was a large demand for these services, which was also confirmed by the further development of Luxury Bags. Handbag rental gradually became a marginal part of our business, while the purchase and sale of second-hand luxury handbags gained an increasing share of our turnover. Today we operate primarily as a bazaar for luxury handbags, the first and largest of its kind in the Czech Republic.



Interested in who's behind this website? Here we introduce our team which resolves your orders, guides you through our store and provides you with advice on the purchase and sale of handbags and accessories.

 Every month our offer grows by hundreds of new items, and packages containing exquisite goods are sent to customers from all corners of our country. And not only there – we also have several admirers in Slovakia and other European states. Our e-shop selling second hand handbags and other fashion accessories is visited by thousands of people, and each batch of new goods becomes a closely watched event. Thanks to this massive circulation of luxury, we obtain genuine treasures of international fashion, unique items from limited editions and legendary models which have made fashion history. In short, at Luxury Bags you have an opportunity to discover treasures you cannot find anywhere else. And for a price which nobody else will offer.



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