is one of the many online stores that carry a very interesting collection of designer imitation purses at decent prices making you wonder why buy the real thing when you could get an exact copy without spending a fortune? But, firstly, let's see how much we can trust this company with our hard earned money. Continue reading my review to find out if it is trustworthy or not.

I strongly believe that the homepage of an Internet based company can tell you a lot about how professional its business really is. For instance, the design of this store is ok, but just ok. Nothing more or less. It doesn't suggest that the merchant has a lot of experience or expertise in selling luxury replica bags online. It is a plain website with a white homepage, a wide sliding banner and a simple top menu bar. There is nothing elegant, modern or luxurious about its design. The only qualities I could mention are its simplicity and ease of use. Due to its intuitive design and construction it is very simple to browse the website. doesn't sell just replica handbags. The merchant offers a very large and diversified selection of designer products such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, watches, glasses, belts, umbrellas, charms, key chains and much more. The purses are just the tip of the iceberg. But even with the bags, the collection is surprisingly rich. There are many available brands on the website. From Gucci, Hermes, LV and Prada to Burberry, Michael Kors and Miu Miu this online store is ready to offer the perfect replica purse at a price you too can afford.


  1. Ordering the products in the shop is very intuitive and it works on the basis of any kind of online shopping
  2. - After placing an order there appears the order confirmation on the screen. While choosing the payment method there appears an information with the account number as well as all the information necessary to finish the transaction. If you choose the Money payment there shows a relocating link that moves you to the other site, where you can make the payment. Additionally on your e-mail address given during the order you will be sent the same information.
  3. After making an order and payment, the products are sent within 1-2 working days from the moment of receipt the payment confirmation or after receiving money on the bank account. .
  4. The shipment is made with Hongkong Post or FEDEX after sending the order on the given e-mail address you will receive the tracking number, to locate your package in the Internet. Shipping payments are always covered by the shop. The customer does not have to pay anything for the shipping if choose Hongkong Post.
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