Not to brag or anything but I can tell from the first seconds if a Michael Kors
replica handbags is good or not. And unfortunately, my friends were right, the quality of this replica purse is really low.
If this was my first time buying a replica purse.I could be easily fooled. The details are really good, the stitching is nice, even the engravings are spot on. But if you take a closer look at what's supposed to be the leather trimmings, you'll see that they are not even made of real leather. Now, take another look at the overall shape of the bag; don't you think it's too slouchy?
Michael Kors replica Neverfull is not awful but it's not good either. There's a chance that this handbag passes as an authentic but if you want to carry something heavier, for example, the handles might break. That that would be an even bigger embarrassment than someone actually finding out you're wearing a replica, don't you think?