review description :Online Shop the Prada store outlet for a wide range of luxury fashion goods and exclusive leather handbags.
If you love Prada handbags then you will probably adore It is an online replica store where you can find all the best-selling models at very affordable prices. Wallets, backpacks, clutches and purses are just a few of the beautiful designer items that have been very carefully replicated so you can enjoy the same style and elegance as the countless Hollywood stars who do not miss a chance to show off their brand new Prada.
The website gets your attention right from the first moment. This is due to its extravagant use of red color- the left side menu bar, the center banner and most of the texts are in shades of red. Its overall appearance is a very glossy, elegant and sophisticated one. It??s somehow fresh, friendly and alluring just like any e- fashion store should be.
Browsing the site is quite easy. Right on the top there is a very simple menu with buttons for the informative pages and for the Women and Men categories. And on the left side of the page there are the products, organized by gender and style. Each sub-collection includes only a few items. The largest one is the Tote handbags for Women. This section lists 107 designs so, naturally, searching for the perfect Prada replica on this site is quite easy and enjoyable.
I must say that the prices are very affordable, especially if we consider the fact that the authentic Prada handbags cost a fortune and you need to be on a waiting list to buy one. Here, it is really simple. With just $100-$200 you can buy a very beautiful wallet or clutch and with $200-$350 you can purchase a medium or large size replica handbag.
The images show the products from various angles, presenting all the essential particularities such as sides, front, bottom, zippers, buckles, lining and logos. The clarity is quite good and it suggests that the quality of the fake purses is superior. The problem is that the images are from two different sources. One it uses a plain white background while the other uses a white drape with artistic details such as a miniature of the Eiffel Tower, books, flowers and light houses.
The product description is awful. Some replicas have a short general description of Prada handbags, some list only the size while other mention the color and material of the product. No detailed specs are available, such as optional buckles, type of hardware, logos, accessories or inside compartments and lining. offers two types of shipping options. One is free delivery which is available for most countries and it is completely free. The other costs $28 and it implies carriers such as UPS or DHL. Of course, the first one is slower as the package will arrive at your door steps in about 7-10 working days while the second one is much faster, about 4-7 working days. The difference is not that big, plus both options will provide you with a tracking number.
The website can accept only credit card payments and these are: Visa, Mastercard and JCB. There is no option of paying by Bank Wire, Money Gram, Western Union or Paypal. Of course, it is a well-known fact that credit cards are some of the most preferred and secure payment methods for online orders, but sometimes it is nice to know that the company where you are ordering is reputable enough to offer as many payment options as possible.
When you buy a Prada replica from this store you enjoy a 7 days return guarantee. If by any chance, you do not like the purse then you have the option of returning it for a refund or exchange. Simply contact the store and ask for the return info. Of course, keep in mind the fact that there is a return shipping charge and a 20% restocking fee to be paid. These two add up to a pretty significant amount so in the end it may not be worth all the hassle.
I??m not too happy with its customer services. Needless to say, contacting the company from where you are buying your replica handbags is highly important. And the best direct and quick ways of reaching customer care is by chat and phone. Sadly, does not offer these options. You can only send a message from its Contact Form and wait until they decide to reply.
Everyone loves Prada handhandbags. These purses are a symbol for style, elegance and wealth. Every woman wants one and for most of us it is just an impossible dream. In return we consider buying a god quality replica handbag. Stores like promise authentic looking Prada fakes at very affordable prices, but before going through with the order, stop for a moment to consider its shortcomings- unprofessional customer service, unreliable product pictures and costly return policy.
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