Tips on replica wallets

I've posted on here before about replica handbags¡­ now I'm wondering what sites people use to get their replica wallets? I got into replica wallets years ago, because I found that a good quality replica has better quality leather, looks nicer, but costs about the same as the bags you find in high street stores.

I'm not interested in people thinking I have a ¡ˇăreal¡ˇŔ designer wallet (ie it doesn't have to be perfect and exact, it can be "inspired by"), but I do like some of the designs that the big labels carry, and the high street stores seem to be really unimaginative when it comes to designing wallets. I used to get replica wallets from ebay, but their policy prevents that now. I also tried vintage for a bit, but my vintage Chanel 2.55 look alike (it's not a replica, but it's black and quilted and has a chain handle, which is close enough for me) is now so shabby that I need a replacement. I can't find one anywhere in the usual places, so I want to get one made. Any ideas what sites I can use? My only real requirement is that the quality of the leather and the construction has to be very high.most of site are closed by brand company now,it is hard to find it.

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