Top 3 Replica Handbags For The Winter

Winter is coming but that's not something that should scare us; at least when it comes to fashion. You can still have a lot of fun with your accessories in the cold season, especially with our favorites, replica handbags!

In case you were wondering what replica designer bags are the most appropriate for winter wear, here are some guidelines that will make it easier for you to choose!

The first thing you should keep in mind is that winter replica purses serve different purposes than summer bags, so there are some key-elements to be considered, such as the color, the style, the texture and the structure. In order to make things easier for you girls I've chosen my top 3 replica handbags taking all these aspects into consideration. Hope you're going to like my picks!

My first choice is the white Proenza Schouler PS Courier Bag. Yes, you heard that right, white! This bag is subtle, functional and well-structured and it has the perfect size for your daily essentials. Leave your skepticism behind and think that white will give your outfits a polished look. Plus, white has become a must-have handbag color in the past years, along with the classic neutrals!

Still, here's a rule you should follow: choose only white designer replica bags that are made of leather, not other material that may look too summery, such as straw or fabric.

This top would not be complete without a replica Louis Vuitton bag! My choice is the replica Louis Vuitton Alma Pistache in Epi leather. I know this is an unusual color for winter, but I think it's perfect if you want to break the monotony of the gloomy season from time to time. The Alma Pistache is eye-catching in its understated elegance and that's why I love it so much!

Last but not least, let me introduce you to the beautiful Gucci Jackie Soft Hobo Bag. This replica bag has an elegant and comfortable design. It features minimal hardware and branding and subtle details, so if you choose it in classic color like black, brown or beige, it can totally become your new work bag!

It was very difficult to choose only 3 bags but I hope that you'll come up with some suggestions too! What replica handbags are you going to sport this winter?

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