TOP&BEST quality of products, high reputation, excellent service and professionalism are what we compete with our competitors. We sincerely wish to cooperate with you , making mutual benefit.We surely would be your first choice of suppliers for TOP quality products

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Payment Method
  Pay by Credit Card
  Bank Wire Transfer.

We accept all major credit cards: Visa; MasterCard online, JCB, American Express.

Return& Refund

--Products with quality problem in 7 days (from the date products were received) can be returned and refund.

--Customer needs to send the products back to the designated returning address which will be provided to you by email. A full refund will be proceeded after receiving the returned package.

--Color aberration is existed due to the color effect by the PC monitor and lighting condition. The quality problem is not included with color aberration.

--Quality problem can be defined as obvious quality defects, not following the customization requirement of customer and size deviation from the original size criteria as well as required measurements.

--For the dispute on size deviation, please take some photographs on the merchandise by laying it on the ground and place a tape-measure to measure out the problem. Customer shall submit the photographs to and may have the designated personnel to take the dispute and a reply will be offered within 24 hours.

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