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It is our prerogative to make you, the customer, happy. We know that our business cannot thrive without at happy, loyal client base. A huge part of gaining and maintaining this stable client base is making sure that the customer knows they are getting excellence at all times. The only way to ensure the trust and support of our customers is by guaranteeing our commitment to excellent products and excellent service.


Return Policy
Our Customer Service representatives determine eligibility for refunds and exchanges once customers have contacted us and explained their reason for return. Returning packages without prior approval from Customer Service will halt or delay your return.

All returned items must be in brand-new condition, unused and with original tags and packaging. Requests to return items due to quality issues, damage during shipping, color/style/size error or allergic reaction from use must be accompanied by photos or other evidence that clearly shows the problem with the item received. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee on all items returned for other reasons



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