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Question: What are the replica Louis Vuitton handbags made from?
Answer: Our Designer Replica handbags are made with high quality monogram canvas with real oxidizing leather handles and trim (just like the original). Each one is carefully inspected for cut, stitching, and all the proper stamps. Most Louis Vuitton replica handbags include a brass lock and key set and YYZ zippers. They even include all the serial numbers and model numbers. Our Louis Vuitton Replica handbags have the look, color, and feel of the real thing. All leather used is imported from Italy.

Question: Where are your replicas handbags made?
Answer: Many websites will brag about their merchandise is of a higher quality because they buy them in Italy, Thailand or Korea rather than China. This is not true. All designer replica handbags are made in China ; they are more expensive in Italy, Thailand or Korea because they are imported from China. This amounts to more middle men and higher costs. Our job is to bring Replica Handbags directly from the manufacturer to the customer abroad.

Question: What are Replica Designer handbags?
Answer: Replica Designer handbags are inspired by the original designer bags. There are many grades of replicas depending on the materials used and the workmanship. We have been in this business for many years and are always updating every details to the even smallest one , which is why we are able to ensure the highest grade Replica designer handbags. Our Designer replicas handbags are made with high quality real leather handles and trim not like the majority selling handbags that will only hold up for a week and then fall apart.

Question: Do you charge sales tax?
Answer: No, but customs may charge an import tax on your replica handbags ,but in rare occasions they do since we ship as gift with low value.

Question: Is your website secure to order from?
Answer: Yes, we have a SSL123 bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure the security of your online purchase. Secured by Comodo. Due to security purposes we never keep our customers information in our database.

Question: Do you sell wholesale?
Answer: Yes, we offer wholesale . We can provide wholesale pricing per request

Question: Do you ship internationally?
Answer: We ship anywhere in the world. We use We use express courier.

Question: How will you ship my designer replica handbags?
Answer: We ship all our replica handbags through courier services to your door. You will receive a tracking number so you can track the progress of your shipment.

Question: Are your handbags Authentic Louis Vuitton?
Answer: No, we do not sell Louis Vuitton registered trademark bags. The real Louis Vuitton bags can only be bought from authorized dealers at . Our bags are replicas. They have all of the proper labeling in all the correct places, lining, locks, and keys, are of the high quality you should expect, and look authentic.

Question: How soon can I get my bag once I order?
Answer: We usually ship out orders in 1-2 days and take 2-3 Business Days to arrive. Occasionally, due to Heavy volume, it can take up to 10 Business days. Shipping to USA, Canada , UK and other countries are 3 day shipping Via DHL.

Question: How authentic looking are your bags?
Answer: Our bags are nearly identical to the real thing. 1:1 Counter Quality Mirror replicas. We were the first the introduce the so called AAAAA Premium handbags or Mirror replicas to the market 17 years ago.

Question: Do your straps and trim turn darker with time like the authentic bags?
Answer: Yes. The straps, handles and trim will all turn a deeper honey color. AAAAA + These are top quality 99% exact to the real thing, It cannot be more perfect otherwise it would be an original Louis Vuitton.

Question: What type of materials are your bags made of?
Answer: Our Louis Vuitton Line of handbags are made from many of the same materials as the authentic ones such as cotton coated canvas and genuine cowhide leather straps, handles and trim. The interiors typically are made of alacantra suede lining like most of the authentic ones or canvas.

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