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Return & Exchange Policy

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the Bagvalley replica item you received, you may return it for an exchange under the below conditions:

- Return requests should be emailed to within 14 days after your order was delivered to you. 
- Items should be returned in unused condition and original packaging. 
- When no quality issue is involved, the return shipping fees would be at the expense of the client. Moreover, we would apply a restocking fee per returned item. Restocking fees amount USD 30 per replica bag and USD 10 per replica wallet. 
- When return is motivated by a quality issue, we would compensate the return shipping fees (according to our policy) and replace the defective item at our cost, providing that our return procedure has been followed.

Returns and Exchanges for Quality Issues :

For any return request motivated by a quality issue, client would be instructed to send pictures of the spotted defects to our customer service officer, as to allow us to validate the fact product is indeed defective. Once we would have validated that item is defective, we will provide client with a Return Merchandise Agreement (RMA), a RMA number and a shipping address to return the product we validated as defective. We would not accept returns of items that do not show on the RMA, and that we did not agree on. 

Return shipping fees would be at the charge of the client, although a compensation will be offered against those shipping costs.

Items returned for defective reasons will be exchanged against the very same models.

How to exchange/return products:

1. Simply E-Mail within 14 business days of arrival your request.

2. In this Email, please provide the following information 
a. Your full name and address 
b. the PI Number 
c. the date the order was received. 
d. the list of items to be exchanged (name and reference number). 
e. The reason why you would like to return your Bagvalley items.

3. Upon receipt of your return request, our Customer Service Department will provide you with a RMA (Return Merchandise Agreement) and RMA number. This RMA number should be referred to for any further correspondence inherent to this return.

4. Upon receipt of this RMA, please ship back the items listed on the RMA to the indicated return address.

5. Please email us with a tracking number of your return.

6. As soon as we receive your return package, our Shipping Department will process your replacement and you will receive a new tracking number to monitor your shipment until it reaches you.


Please keep in mind that you have purchased replicas, and not Genuine bags ! Although our replicas are 99.9 % similar to the originals, there are still some minor differences. Otherwise we would be advertising genuine bags!

Returns should be shipped via courier at client expense, and a traceable Tracking Number should be provided to us. For quality related returns, we will offer clients a wallet of our choice in compensation of return shipping fees.

Please note that returned items are subject to final inspection before exchange will be processed. Allow 10 to 15 business days for an exchange to be processed. strives to perfection in all aspects of customer service, and we are positive you will be highly satisfied with the quality of our products and service.

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