wholesale High quality replica clothing,replica handbags,gucci shoes.provide the best quality product

1) Please Kindly inform our sales within 5 days from receiving the goods if you want to return or exchange. If out of 5 days, we will not accept return or exchange.
2) Please keep goods in original condition,included tags,labels, do not wear, cut , glue or wash and etc.
3) For return or exchange, the good will need to be shipped to us firstly, if product is not in good condition and influence resale, we will refuse to return or exchange. Loss has to be afoarded by customer side.
4) If customer make mistake on order, and cause incorrect length, size,color or other point, our factory won't burden the responsibility, but we can exchange same price items or give you store credit, shipping cost of exchange is bear by customer.
5) Please kindly write to our sales when you find goods are in fault, and let us know what it is really. After confirmation, will deal with return or exchange.
6)we are not responsible for your country customs, please check your country regulation before order.
7)Making Changes to Your Order:
We begin your order within 24 -48 hours of receipt of your payment. Therefore, any changes to your order MUST BE received no later than 24 hours from the time you place your order. .