specialize & work directly with Super Replica Bags, Replica handbags,Fake handbags, Knock off Handbag,Cheap fake Handbags,Discount designer Handbag,Top quality Handbags,Replica Designer Handbags,Wholesale Replica Handbags,

How to make order ?
1. Visit my website and send me link of the bag you want. You can also send me links or photos from other websites (if you don't see the bag on our site).
2. We will respond with stock check and send you payment instructions.
3. Once the order is paid for we will order the bags (if not in stock in the office) and send you QC pics
4. You will have 24 hours to respond to the QC pics and either approve or deny the QC pics. If we do not hear from you within 24 hours we will automatically send your order out to you.

Can you please tell me the process?
I will send you payment link, after you pay, I will order from factory,factory will release it within 1-2 days after I order,I will get it from factory and take qc photos / and do quality check , normally I need 24-48h to do quality check
If it all good, will send out and inform tracking number.

Do you have all models in stock?
there are more than 300 different bags
it is impossible to stock all models (BUT I do have some hot sale models in stock)
normally I place order to factories after receiving payment
factories normally release bags within 2-3 days after get my order
and then I take QC photos and send to clients
that is same as most dealers, since no dealer stocks all models

How to contact me?
The best way to to e mail me at
Sorry no IP phone call or MSN.

How to make payment?
western union or credit card online security payment is ok for me.
No Paypal as my a/c been supensed and cancelled.

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