The Bag Lady is your go-to guide for handbags,
wallets, clutches, luxury leather goods, designer and costume jewellery: all the little extras that make up a complete look. A handbag blog focussing on the fine art of accessorising, we make it our mission to keep you informed on the key handbag trends and jewellery obsessions from the world of celebrity to the high street, as well as exploring our love for heritage and classic handbags from the likes of vintage Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Read our reviews and shop our editor's picks of the most
stylish sunglasses, watches,
charm bracelets, totes and other fashion add-ons at affordable prices. We love a bargain, and feature high street handbags alongside high end luxe luggage. Check out our coverage of London Fashion Week, The Oscars and other fashion events to stay tuned on the stars' arm candy and wardrobe picks!