offer top quality leather Replica Celine Bags  with utmost attention to details, which is why Replica Celine bags look exactly like the authentic models



1: Are your handbags real or fake?

All of the handbags we sell are replicas, meaning that they were not made by the original brand name owner. However, we go to great lengths in replicating our handbags by using almost all the same materials (in most cases all the same materials) that are used in making the originals so as to have our replicas look and feel the same as the originals but cost much less!

You can be sure that if you purchase one of our replica designer handbags that no one will be able to notice that it is anything less than an original.

2: How long does shipping take?

Generally our items arrive within 5 to 15 Working day of purchase for any destination worldwide.

When you buy an item, we will then contact you within 48 hours of your order to provide you with a tracking number. This is why it is so important to give accurate contact information, especially telephone numbers and email addresses. If you are not at home when the item is delivered, the courier will leave a notice and you can then go and pick up your package at the nearest post office.

We guarantee our shipping, which means that we promise that the item you have ordered will arrive undamaged, in a timely manner, at your doorstep. If for any reason your product does not arrive, please contact our staff and we will investigate the matter for you, and then we will re-send the item at no cost to you.

3:Can you supply other models other than those on the website?

If we do not have a certain model advertised on our website it means one of 3 things:

We do not or have not started to reproduce this model yet.

We could not find a good source to buy this model from yet.

There is not enough demand for this model yet.

That being said most important is the demand for any model so if you really want us to carry a certain model then please get in touch with us by email or leave us feedback on our site letting us know which item you would like to see us carry and we will take it in to consideration and you might see it on our site very soon.

4: How can I track my package?

Please allow 2-4 business days from the time you received you’re tracking number to the time you can track it online.


Most of our packages are shipped via EMS. Tracking numbers issued by EMS start with either EE or EA and end with CN.

You can track EMS shippments through your national postal service website: (USA) (UK) (Canada)
For all other countries if you don't know your national postal service website you can find it here:

A DHL tracking no. has 10 numbers (10 digits) & packages can be tracked at:

A UPS tracking number starts with M or H & packages can be tracked at:

A TNT tracking number has 9 digits & packages can be tracked at:
If your tracking begins with WKO you can track it here:

A Aramex tracking number usually begins with a 7 or a 3 and they are 10 digits long and they can be tracked here:
All you have to do is enter the tracking number we will send you in to the correct box on the shipping courier’s website and you will be provided with the information on your package. As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to click the Contact Us. Our staff is always happy to answer any questions.

5:Will anyone know this bag is a fake?

Above all else, we are sure that the quality of our replica handbags is absolutely the highest. Our company has gone a long way towards establishing a series of checks and controls that ensure the product you receive is a perfect stand-in for the original.

Our design team takes their time establishing not only the correct pattern of the bag, but also the exact placement of every single stitch and feature. Because we craft our own replicas, not buy them from a supplier like other companies, we are able to oversee every aspect of production. We use all the same materials that the original handbag calls for, with no skimping. All embossed logos, all serial numbers, all engraved designer logos on snaps, each zipper pull – all of these aspects will be in place. We also go above and beyond – each of our designer replica handbags comes with all of the tags, extra/extension straps, branded dust bags and care cards that you would receive if you were getting the real thing.

Our quality-control team is strict – their job is to examine every single item that leaves our facility, and prevent any mistakes from slipping by.

We know that there are a lot of shoddy fakes out there. We also know that the only way to do business is to set ourselves apart from the crowd. We are completely confident in our product, and offer a 100% money-back Guarantee if, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied with our product.

6:My tracking number doesn't work!

We ship our products from our warehousing facility, which means that there will always be a delay of a few days before you are able to track your purchase. This is due to the amount of time it takes our courier service to transfer the package to the postal service of your home country.

7: What methods of payment do you accept?

We currently accept payment through any of the following options:

Credit/Debit Cards:

Western Union:

We offer a 10% discount for all orders paid for through Western Union.

For more information on the forms of payment we accept please get in touch with us by clicking on the Contact Us button located at the bottom of this site.

8:Can I return an item if I am not happy with it?

Of course you can, our products are a point of pride for us – if for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us via courier and we will offer you a refund or exchange.

In order to qualify for a refund or replacement, we ask that you just contact us to let us know that you would like to send an item back to us within 30 days of receipt of the return information. The item/s you would like to return must be in new, unworn condition and all accessories must also be returned with the item.

To get this process started, simply contact one of our staff by clicking on the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page, and we will be happy to help.

9:What are your Guarantees?

We Guarantee The following:

All of our replica items are made with almost all the exact same materials as the originals in most cases all the same materials.

All of our replica items are perfectly identical to the original – we include serial numbers, tags, care cards, dust bags, all engravings and stickers.

All of the accessories you would anticipate will come with your item.

The photos of our products on our site are of a random sampling from our own stock.

The item you receive will be true to the photo displayed on the site, because all of our photographs are of the actual items we sell.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to click the Contact Us button provided at the bottom of the page to get in touch with one of our customer service agents.
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