Coach Cary Crossbody handbags are a popular line of designer handbags from the luxury brand Coach. The crossbody style is perfect for on-the-go lifestyles, as the hands-free design allows for easy movement while still keeping your essentials close by.
The Coach Cary Crossbody handbags are typically made from high-quality materials such as leather, and feature a range of colors and designs, including the signature "C" logo print. The bags also come with several interior and exterior pockets for organization, making them both stylish and functional.
The price range for Coach Cary Crossbody handbags varies depending on the size and design, but they typically range from $150 to $495. Overall, these handbags are known for their quality craftsmanship, chic style, and practicality.
Soft pebble leather
Inside snap pocket
Zip-top closure, fabric lining
Detachable handle with 7 1/2" drop
Detachable strap with 21 1/2" drop for shoulder or crossbody wear
11" (L) x 7 1/4" (H) x 4 1/2" (W)