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Return Policy

In the unlikely event that you purchase a replica bag from Our Website and decide that you want to return it, please rest assured of your consumer rights as we do have a returns policy in place.
We have very few returns and that is because of our dedicated team that create these amazing fake designer bags. They are so authentic looking even store assistants in the luxury boutiques can't tell if they are real or fake bags, so it is highly unlikely you'll choose to return any item purchased from us due to a quality issue.

However after purchasing your knockoff bag, if you are not completely satisfied with your replica bag you can return it to us, but please note it must not have been used. It will also need to be in its original packaging.

We allow up to 7 days to request a return.

You can also choose to return an item simply because you have changed your mind, but in this circumstance you will be required to pay the return postage fee and there will also be a admin charge of $30.

The return shipping cost will be paid for by you but once the item has been received we will reimburse you the cost. We advise you to use a reputable company when returning any item to us so that you can track the process. As soon as we receive the return a new replacement item will be sent out to you, along with a new tracking number.

Western Union, and wire transfer remittances

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