offer you high-quality replica sunglasses,bags,wallets. the most popular brands in the world. Here you will find: Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Prada

Our Standard Order Processing Flow

Order Submitted>>>>>Payment request sent>>>>>Payment Received>>>>>Factory Confirmed>>>>>Products Ready>>>>>QC Photo Sent>>>>>GL>>>>>Haul Dispatch Complete>>>>>Shipped
1, Payment request sent
We will send you an email after your submission to guide you through the payment process.
2, Payment Received
We received your payment and rest of processing flow will begin.
3, Factory Confirmed
Factory that makes this product will do the first round QC before delivering to the warehouse on our end. Regarding QC procedure the difference between other sellers and us is that we do double QC for each order. The first QC will be done by factory as mentioned here and then we do final one before shipment. Normally it will take 1-2 days to update order status from " Payment Received " to " Factory Confirmed "
4, Products Ready(full or partial)
Your order has passed the first round QC done by factory and received from our end ready for final QC. Normally it will take 1-2 days to update order status from " Factory Confirmed " to " Products Ready "
5, QC Photo Sent
We sent you an email including a link to your QC photo. Once you received that QC email please review your QC photo and then hit the button(GL / RL) accordingly at the bottom of QC web page.

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