
The Best Website to Buy Luxury Bags Online is a leading factory-based luxury bag retailer located in Ningbo, China, and has been operational since 2010. Serving over 2 million clients, Limberga provides high-quality replica luxury bags. The products are manufactured under stringent quality management, ensuring top-notch replicas for customers worldwide.

Shipping Information

Limberga ships globally, excluding North Korea, Sao Tome, and Principe. They offer economy, standard, and express delivery services, with free shipping available for economy delivery. Standard and express delivery costs vary by destination and package weight, calculated automatically at checkout. Express shipping takes 4-10 days, and availability is confirmed during checkout. Economy shipping to South America and the Russian Federation may take 1-2 months due to transport and customs issues. Orders are processed and shipped within 3-6 days of placement.

Some countries may impose import taxes and duties upon reaching customs. Limberga declares a reasonable low value to facilitate customs clearance, but any additional charges are the buyer's responsibility. It is advisable to contact local customs offices for current duty rates before placing an order to avoid unexpected charges.

Store Policies

Limberga is based in Ningbo, China, and most orders are shipped within 3-7 days after placement. If there is a serious quality problem, customers can return or exchange items after verification, bearing the international shipping cost. Partial refunds are available for minor issues. Customers have up to 7 days after delivery to request an exchange or return.

Global Orders and Delivery Time

Limberga accepts orders from outside the US, offering worldwide shipping. They use Fast Airmail for quicker shipment to customers in the US, Australia, Canada, and the UK. Orders take 3-5 days (5-10 days during peak season) to process. Most orders are shipped via E-packet, with delivery times ranging from 15-45 business days, depending on local postal service efficiency. Express shipment options are available, with discounts from various couriers like DHL, UPS, EMS, Dpex, and European Express. Customers are encouraged to inquire for more details.