is top one for sale AAAA replica Louis vuitton hanbags online site .The replica LV are high quality at the lowest price.And we just sell the newest and hottest bags, we insist that customer's profits above everything and if you have any questions feel free to contact us
1. Return
1. We only allow a complete refund for items that have problems caused by us.
2. If the returning package doesn't include all the accessories and parts it was shipped with, the cost of the accessories and parts will be deducted from the total product price and can only warrant a partial refund.
3. If by any reason, you need to change the size, color, or the refund is under the reason of "Unlike", the delivery cost will be deducted from the total product price.
2. Exchanges
We will accept exchanges for a different size or color within 30 days of the original order dispatch date. Please contact us with your Order ID and one of our team members will help you. If you would like to exchange items to a different style, you would have to return your items for a refund(as per Return policy) and place a new order for the style you prefer.
You must contact us before sending the items back. All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. Worn or dirty items will be returned back to you.
We do not cover the shipping cost of exchanges, you will be responsible for the return postage and for the shipping and handling cost of shipping the exchanged items back to you. We recommend that you add tracking and insurance when sending items to us for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
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