The first way to tell if a handbag is real or fake is to LOOK AT THE FABRIC. What I mean by that is look at the michael kor signature fabric and see how it lines up. michael kor starts the fabric on every handbag with the cc's lined up in the middle in a symmetrical pattern all the way around the handbag. They won't be lined up any other way. (If you have any questions you can go to the michael kor website and look at the signature handbags) You can turn an authentic handbag around and the image on one side will mirror the other. Also be sure to check the seams. I've seen many replicas where the fabric will be sewn under the seam and the pattern will be askewed. You don't have to be a michael kor pro to know that it just looks wrong. The pattern should flow, even under the seam, the entire way around the handbag. I will admit that there are some fakes out there that are pretty darm close to looking authentic. There will still be subtle hints that the handbag is a fake....JUST INSPECT THE PICTURES COMPLETELY!!!
The second way to tell is by Looking at the Interior of the handbag. An authentic michael kor handbag will never have the signature pattern on the outside as well as the inside. It will be one or the other. NEVER BOTH! Many older michael kor leather handbags have the signature fabric on the interior. I haven't seen to much of that in recent years. They either use cotton or satin materials. So remember, if you see signature fabric on the outside AND the inside of the handbag do not bid on the item. You can check out any replica michael kor website and see what I mean.
The third way to determine an authentic handbag from a replica is to Look at the Hangtag. Most michael kor hangtags are leather with the exception of some handbags from a few years back like the suede duffle I owned. It was authentic and purchased from the michael kor outlet. It had a heavy brass hangtag. I haven't seen any recent handbags with single brass hangtag. Some of the newer lines like the Soho and Op Art have multiple leather hangtags with another brass hangtag and the carriage. Replica handbags pretty much all have the same dingy brass-looking the tag. Even the michael kor emblem on the tag looks strange. The font is completely wrong. Again, look at the replica michael kor site and compare the hangtags on those handbags to the ones on the michael kor website. It's really a night and day difference.