onsalehandbag.com Onsale Handbag is a leading supplier of high quality wholesale handbags. By importing directly from manufacturers, we offer unbelievably low prices on the latest trending handbags and fashion accessories

Company Policies
Welcome to Onsale Handbag online wholesale store for handbags, luggage, and backpacks. This web site is for wholesale and retail customers only. Please read the entire page before you place an order. By placing an order, you agree to all the following terms and conditions of Onsale Handbag online store.
Please sign up for your Login ID and Password first
- To protect our clients, this web site is password protected. Please register first. Once your account is approved, you will receive an email with your password accessing to your account within 24-48 business hours.
- Onsale Handbag reserves the right to refuse password requests or cancel existing accounts.
- Inactive accounts will be deleted from our system on a periodic basis.
Order Information
- A confirmation email will be sent to you upon successful completion of the checkout process. A second email with your invoice including shipping charges will be sent out after the shipment has been sent out through UPS or FedEX.
- The receipt of the first e-mail order confirmation does not constitute the acceptance of an order or a confirmation of an offer to sell.
- You may receive an email or call from Onsale Handbag - Customer Service to confirm your order.
- Back orders are held for 30 days and shipped upon availability of goods, unless instructed otherwise
Prices and Availability
- Due to circumstances beyond our control, prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
- The colors shown on the products are an approximation of the original colors, and may vary on your computer system.
Minimum Purchase Policy
- Minimum purchase of $50 plus shipping is required.
Payment Method
- We accept Credit Cards only (VISA, Master Card, Discover and American Express).
- Upon receiving order, your credit card will be processed for pre-authorization.
- The orders with declined credit card on pre-authorization:
- (1) the email will be sent out to notify the customer.
- (2) The order will be canceled unless we receive the valid credit card information within 48 hours of our notification.