online store for replica handbags, replica belts, and replica wallets, replica watches, replica perfumes, and replica jewelry. All products are free shipping worldwide. Support credit card and PayPal payment

PayPal and Credit/Debit Card(including Master, Visa, Express, Discover) for our customers to effect payment

We are confident that you will be happy with your purchase from us because each piece is inspected for quality manually. However, we understand that every customer is unique and we are flexible to meet your particular needs. Customer satisfaction in our products and services is our top priority.

If for any reason you are not content with your purchase, please contact us immediately.

We will provide instructions on where to return your item(s). You must return the product(s) within 7 days of receipt for a refund. You must send your returned package via courier, at your own expense, and provide us with a tracking number in order for a refund to be issued.

Refunds are made in the same form as the initial payment (ie. refunded on your credit card) and may take up to seven business days to process after we receive the returned goods. During the 6 month warranty period, we will repair any problem we can that you might have with the product.

Kindly include the below information when contacting us. This will speed up the processing of your return.

Information To Provide:

Your full name, the date the order was placed and the date when the order was received

A list of the replica product(s) to be fixed or refunded

The reason for the return of the products

Delivery is guaranteed! If your shipment is lost or seized, we will reship once at our expense.

Your purchases will be sent directly by courier from China to your door. You will receive an email with your order confirmation number and your shipping tracking number. With this tracking number, you can track the progress of your purchase.

Please allow 7-15 days for delivery of your order.

Please make sure you enter the correct shipping address and contact number.

We are not responsible for reshipment if you provided us with an incorrect address.

We are not responsible for any import tax charged on your package.

Shipping time is approx 7-15 days

We have the right to select our customers

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