qiqibrand.cn specialize in producing and wholesaling goods in high quality.We are engaged in wholesaling brand Shoes, Handbags, Coats, Jackets, T-shirts, Jeans, Bikini, Watches, Hats, Sunglasses, Belts, Wallets, Sport wear, Electronic products

quality for our bags, wallets and belts:
1.leather PU quality(fake leather, the products name has no "5A" on our website). Same design as the original ones,It comes with dust bag, without serial number & certificate.
2.100% real leather quality or the special material for the brand bags /belts / wallets, but the material is made in china. We called them AAA bags /belts / wallets on our website.The products name contains "AAA" which are all AAA quality bags /belts / wallets, It comes with original package, such as serial number, dust bag and certificate. It looks like original ones but the material itself can't meet the quality standard of original bags /belts / wallets.
3.By the way, the LV and Gucci bags, we also have 1:1 quality. it is 100% same material as the original bags, It comes with serial number, dust bag and certificate as same as the original bags. It looks like original ones, and its material are 100% can meet the quality standard of original bags. Price will be more expensive than our 5A bags.