sgbag.ru is Pandora boutique outlet, mainly sell high quality brand bags copies, using actual photos, so what you see is what you will received, the bag used same leather and hardware with original bag, 99% similar to original bag, if you have enough money, strong recommend buy authentic from official store.
You can find all popular & classic & newly published designer stuff from here, but w only list a few items here, if can't find your favorite stuff at our store, suggest sending any photos, sgbag.ru will find it for you. Someone resell it as authentic stuff on Ebay/Amazon, we don't suggest doing that

This clothes is AAAAA 1:1 quality (superb). Materials used are identical to the original ones. Celine trademark marks are indistinguishable to the authentic. Photos take by actual clothes, what you receive will be 100% same with our photos.
Original price :SG$ 48
Online bank transfer 10% OFF :SG$ 43