Cheap Replica Shoulder, Copy Bags, Fake Bag, Shoulder Bags Wholesale

Payment Methods:

(1) Western Union:

(2) MoneyGram:

(3) T/T (Wire Transfer via Bank):

(4) Paypal:


We are only famled to deliver a high quality product and believe you will be happy with your purchase. However, if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, it may be returned to us. We strive to keep the process as simple as possible. The return cost is completely free.

For your safety, we advise you to pack sufficient to secure the returned goods against loss or damage during transportation and use of a secure delivery method that requires a signature upon delivery. We assume no responsibility for non-delivered or damaged returned goods must be made of goods not delivered by carrier requests sent in.


We can only exchange a item to another size or color in the same style or to another product of the same (or lower, we will refund the difference) price as the original item. And, the products must be unused and in original packaging.
You can exchange your purchase for up to 15 days from the date of receipt. If we do not have the available file, we will refund and send an email.

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