supply the best replicas worldwide brand handbags, shoes, sunglasses, wallets.Wholesale high quality designer handbags online store

All the packages will be shipped out from China.

We can ship to worldwide.

We accept Western Union (with debit/credit card), Bank Wire Transfer.

Three steps to make orders simply:

Step1: log in or register.

Step2: put your favorite items into the cart, and check out.

Step3: pay for your order.

      We will ship the package for you within 72 hours after getting your payment.

      After shipping, we will send you an email with the track number. You can track it online.

      The package will be delivered to your hands after 6-10 days usually.


1. Western Union (with debit/credit card)   
      Western Union is the well-known leader in global payment services. You will know how to pay clearly when you visit its website.

      Please choose "Cash at agent location" and "Debit/credit card in minutes".

      Please pay the money transfer cost by yourself.
      After checking out on our website, you will get an email with all the necessary receiver's information.
      If you have not got the email, please check your junk mail box or contact us.
      After paying, please give us an email with all the following details, 
      1). Control number of payment (MTCN);
      2). Payer's first name and last name;
      3). Amount of your payment;
      4). Your order number.


2. Bank Wire Transfer
      Please mark the payment as "Salary", otherwise we probably can not receive the money from the bank. 
The money can not arrive at our account immediately, but 1-3 business days later.
After paying, please email us the proof of your payment so that we can process your order earlier. Your package will be shipped only after the money arriving at our account.

      You can pay us online through most online banking system.
You need to pay all the money transfer cost by yourself.

      After checking out on our website, you will get an email with all the necessary receiver's information.
      If you have not got the email, please check your junk mail box or contact us.



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