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We strive to build a long-term relationships with every of our customers. We understand that you are very concerned about your interests when shopping in our website.

And we are very appreciated your belief on our prudence and sensitivity handling this issue. This declaration will specify our policy regarding the protection of your interests.
Our Customer Service representatives determine eligibility for refunds and exchanges once customers have contacted us and explained their reason for return. Returning packages without prior approval from Customer Service will halt or delay your return.
All returned items must be in brand-new condition, unused and with original tags and packaging. Requests to return items due to quality issues, damage during shipping, color/style/size error or allergic reaction from use must be accompanied by photos or other evidence that clearly shows the problem with the item received. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee on all items returned for other reasons.
For all returns, please send an email and submit a return request form to Customer Service within 5 days of receiving your order.
If we shipped you the wrong item: You have the option of 1) exchanging it for the correct item, or 2) returning it for a full refund. Customers must confirm their eligibility for an exchange or return with Customer Service before sending items back.
If we shipped you an item in the wrong color: You are eligible for a full refund. (Perceived color difference due to the display settings of your computer monitor are not grounds for a refund.).
If we shipped you a defective item: You are eligible for a refund or exchange depending on the item category.
If you aren't satisfied with your purchase: You may be eligible for a return or exchange depending on your situation and the type of item involved.
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us.
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