Top??s Handbags, Inc. Leading Vegan Handbag Manufacturer. Peta Friendly with great quality materials. Check out our page for private label or wholesale request. Find everything from crossbody to set bags.

Return and Exchange

It is understood and agreed that merchandise listed in this invoice remains the property of Top's Handbag, Inc., herein referred to as TOP'S, until paid in full. Purchaser agrees to pay all costs and attorney's fees if suit is instituted for collection and all interest charged on all past due accounts.

TOP'S will only process return/exchange for items directly purchased from TOP's accompanied by is original receipt/invoice. All return/exchange should be in its original package, TOP'S will not accept return of used merchandise.

Return and Exchange will only be processed if made within 30 days of invoice purchase date.

All Return and Exchange should have an authorization number assigned by TOP'S

A restocking fee of 15% of the invoice amount will be chargeable to the customer for all returns and exchange of merchandise deemed to be in good condition.

TOP'S will only issue a 100% refund to merchandise with factory defect and damage.

By signing this sales order, customer confirms order listed merchandise and acknowledges TOP'S return and exchange policy.

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