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Vogue Accent wants to thank all its customers, 100%. But sometimes things don't quite work out.
We understand and in the unfortunate circumstance that you need to return your product, we'll make it easy.
To initiate a return, simply contact us for an RMA number (return merchandise authorization).
All that you'll need is the order number and the email used when the order was placed.
Our refund department will send you the warehouse address related to your product and any other specific instructions needed.
Once you receive an RMA number, just pack the product you wish to return and send it to us. (Don`t forget to send us the tracking number).
We will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item.
We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within 6 business days.
We do our best to deliver the products without defects.
But if you receive a defective/damaged product, all you have to do is contact the Vogue Accent team and we will arrange that the product be replaced.
The return and shipping costs for the replacement product are supported by Vogue Accent.
For products whose parcels show visible damage to courier delivery, we recommend that you refuse to receive them.
If you received a product other than the one ordered, please report this as soon as possible to return the product and replace it with the correct one.
All shipping and shipping costs of the correct product will be supported by Vogue Accent.
Vogue Accent is not accepting any exchanges at the moment.
We will only replace items if they are defective, damaged or the wrong product has been shipped to you.
Damage to products or putting into a state of non-eligibility leads to denial of return.
If you are shipping a product without a tracking number, we don't guarantee that we will receive your returned item.