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 provide FREE world wide shipping by EMS or DHL
. Delivery Time
We need 1-2 working days to process your order before shipping. The delivery time for European countries the delivery will take 5-7 days. For countries USA, Australia, most countries of South America will be to 10 days.
. Tracking information
After we ship package, customer receive automatical email with tracking details.
. Lost Package Policy
If a package did not arrive in 4 weeks after the shipping date, then this package is treated as Lost. In this case a new package will be shipped to the customer provided we are able to give the same items as those purchased by the customer. If we are not able to provide the same items to substitute the lost ones we will either propose to the customer similar items or refund their cost as it will be mutually agree with the customer. If one or more items neither the same nor similar are available to be shipped, the customer can request to cancel the order entirely, thus the total cost of the order including shipping and handling cost will be fully refunded
We offer 180-day warranty on every item you purchase from this site. For return & exchange period, 14 days warranty is applied while 180 days warranty is applied to free repair. Item may be returned or exchanged ONLY if it is faulty. Return and exchange do not cover ordinary wear and tear or damages caused by external reasons (such as scratches, missing stones, dents, nicks, fading/chipping of the material on the product etc.). Warranty does not cover water damage, damages due to personal misuse/negligence, and for watches, therefore, we strongly recommend not to swim, dive, surf or have any other similar activity with them on.
Return Policy
In 14 days (from the day the goods is signed for /received), if you request returning the purchased item, it can be returned and refunded under the following conditions.
1. The products should be sent back in original package, which means not being used (except tryout), worn, plastic removed, damaged, scratched or tampered with.
2. All returns are at the customers' own cost.
3. When we receive the products sent back intactly, we will deduct $20-40 shipping & Handing Cost for the time we sent it to you and then give you a refund.
4. Please allow 10 days for the refund to arrive at your account.
5. Please be noted that after 14 days we may not issue a refund, but exchange may be acceptable.
6. Please note that refund does not apply to watches that have suffered physical damage caused by the Custom. If it is the case, exchange will be advisable.
In 14 days (from the day the goods is signed for /received), if you find the products you purchase are not satisfying it can be returned and replaced under the following conditions.
1. The products should be sent back in original package, which means not being used (except tryout), worn, plastic removed, damaged, scratched or tampered with.
2. All returns are at the customers' own cost.
3. When we receive the products sent back intactly, we will replace it with new one and ship them back to you .
4. As there is handing cost and shipping fee involved, please kindly understand that we have to charge you 10-20 GBP shipping & Handing Cost before we send you the replacement item.
5. Exchanges will be subject to price difference adjustment (if there is any).
6. Please be advised that if you want to replace the item after the guaranteed 14-day, you are suggested to contact us directly for further processing.
No returns will be accepted without:
A prior e-mail stating the specific problem. (Please wait until you hear back from us).
Please Contact us for return address. Don't return directly to the address on the package.
If the products need to be sent back to us, please include the following information and we will email you our return details
1. Name
2. Address
3. Telephone
4. Detailed Description of the Problem
The above Return and Exchange policy do not apply to personal products such as under wares, swim wares, socks, stockings etc. No return or Exchange for these products once they have been used.

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