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colorblock leather willow bucket crossbody bag

Colorblock Leather Willow Bucket Crossbody Bag

The Colorblock Leather Willow Bucket Crossbody Bag is a stylish and chic accessory that features a modern colorblock design. Made of high-quality leather, this bag has a drawstring closure that can easily be adjusted to suit your needs. It also comes with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap that allows you to wear it as a crossbody or a shoulder bag. The interior is spacious and has a zip pocket and two slip pockets, providing ample storage space for your essentials. This bag is a great choice for a stylish and practical accessory that will elevate any outfit.

Colorblock Leather Willow Bucket coach replicas

Colorblock Leather Willow Bucket Crossbody Bag features:
Pebble leather
Turn-lock and snap closures
Interior: Multifunction pocket, center zip compartment
Detachable short and long strap
Four protective feet at the base
Approx. 9.25" L x 8.75" H x 4.25" W bag; 8" short strap drop; 21.5" long strap drop

Turn-lock and snap closure

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