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GUESS was founded in 1981 by the Marciano brothers, who left the south of France in pursuit of the American dream. Inspired by European influences, Marcianos redefines denim. One of their first designs was the stonewashed slim fit jeans, the 3-zip Marilyn. Bloomingdale's was the first department store to welcome the brand by ordering two dozen jeans. They disappeared from the shelves in just a few hours. It was the beginning of a long success story., operated by Guess, Inc., is a multinational online store, which generates its largest amount of eCommerce net sales in the United States. Canada accounts for the second largest share of its eCommerce net sales. With regards to the product range, specializes in the Fashion category, particularly in the area of Apparel., operated by Guess, Inc., is a multinational online store generating the largest e-commerce net sales in the United States. Canada accounts for the second-largest share of its e-commerce net sales. Regarding the product range, focuses on the fashion category, especially in the field of clothing.

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