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Hermes Evelyne III Togo Leather Crossbody Bag Dark Blue

Hermes Evelyne III Togo Leather Crossbody Bag


Hermes Evelyne III Togo Leather Crossbody Bag Dark Blue

This Evelyne is Mykonos clemence leather with palladium hardware and has tonal stitching, pull tab top closure and a White removable canvas and leather shoulder/crossbody strap.

Condition: Pristine; new or never worn

Accompanied by: Hermes box, Hermes dustbag, shoulder strap, shoulder strap dustbag, carebook, and ribbon

Measurements: 6.75" x 7" height x 2" depth; 23" strap drop

Hermes Evelyne III Togo Leather Crossbody Bag Dark Blue

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