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Coach is an American luxury fashion house specializing in leather handbags, luggage, accessories and ready-to-wear. Coach licenses its name and brand to Luxottica eyewear and Paris-based Interparfums fragrance.

There are many fake coach bags on the market. There is no strict unity between coach bags. It is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. What is suitable for one bag is not completely suitable for another bag. In addition, the Coach brand has two different designs and production lines - Coach retail and Coach Outlet, what is the difference between them? Keeping this in mind, I've developed a Real and Fake Coach Bag Comparison and Guide to Coach Retail Stores vs. Coach Outlets that should give you some general rules to help you spot the real Coach from the fake and the Coach Outlets Bag.

1. Check retailers
Coach does not sell products at flea markets, street vendors or kiosks in shopping centers. In addition to the official Coach website, you can also shop for authentic handbags and shoes at Coach, Nordstrom and Bloomingdale's.

If a deal or price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. For discounted luxury bags and shoes, we recommend Amazon and Nordstrom Rack.

You can also browse the Coach Outlet, which offers a selection of products at discounted prices, including handbags, wallets, luggage, shoes and other accessories. Products sold at Coach Outlet stores may be from past seasons, backlogs or special collections.

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2. The materials and workmanship are extremely important to a quality, authentic Coach bags. One of the first things you should check is the overall craftsmanship of the bag. A poorly made bag will have ill-fitting leather pieces that cause the product to bulk in areas.

3. Hardware and labels should be made of high-quality materials

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Coach hardware is usually made of brass or nickel. A good way to tell if your bag has quality hardware is to check its weight. Authentic hardware should feel solid and heavy, while the hardware on a fake bag is light and made of cheap metal.

If your bag has a loop connecting the handle to the body, check that the loop is secure and seamless. On rare occasions, Coach will have rings with seams, but they are beautifully polished and aligned.

4.Dust Bag

If you are in a store, please ask to see it. If you're shopping online, make sure it's included with your purchase. The Sleeper bag or dust bag should be dark chocolate brown with a red drawstring. In the lower right corner, "COACH EST.1941" in white in all caps.

5 Zipper

Remember that familiar phrase from your childhood, X-Y-Z? It's time to put it to use again. Most authentic Coach wallets use zipper brand YKK, the highest quality zippers available. So watch the zipper pulls carefully. If your bag is genuine, you will see the small letters "YKK" on the zipper pull. Fake Coach wallets do not have YKK zippers. Don't you understand? please don't buy Walk away and wait until you are sure.

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