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Balenciaga Classic Large Lambskin City Tote Bag 435 Black

Balenciaga Classic Large Lambskin City Tote Bag 435 Black

Price $450

Balenciaga Classic Large Lambskin City Tote Bag 435 Black
Julianne Moore, Kendall Jenner and Rooney Mara have all been spotted with Balenciaga"s "Classic City" tote  proof that it works no matter what your age or personal style.

This version has been crafted in Italy from supple and glossy textured-leather and will easily fit your essentials plus a water bottle or tablet.

It has whipstitched top handles, Gold "Giant" studs and a tasseled zip pull.

 This item's measurements are:
Depth 14cm
Handle Drop 10cm
Height 25cm
Max. Strap Length 66cm
W idth 38cm

 Black textured-leather (Lamb)
 Two-way zip fastening along top
 Weighs approximately 2.6lbs/ 1.2kg

100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of an Original Balenciaga (imported from Europe). Comes with dust bag, and box (or shopping gift bag if the item is over approximately 9Ў��). Counter Quality Replica (Mirror Image Replica)

Tote Bag 435 Black


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