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Based in Dubai and established in 2011, The Luxury Closet is a leading online boutique for new and pre-owned luxury goods such as handbags, clothing, watches and jewellery. Our selection of over 40,000 items includes top luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Van Cleef & Arpels, Cartier, Rolex and more. We accept items and deliver worldwide.

From a team of three to now 150, The Luxury Closet has this special mix of driven individuals very close to their core values. Our global team of contributors spans 16 countries and grows to add, improve and disrupt online business strategy models.

The Luxury Closet's journey began the day we sold our first Herm��s Birkin and, as they say, that's history. We now have the backing of some of the strongest venture capital firms in the region who are helping us build a large, sustainable business.

Sell, shop and collaborate with us. Join us in building the largest luxury marketplace in the Middle East

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