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Hermes Jige Elan 29 Denim Blue Imported Epsom Calfskin Clutch

Hermes Jige Elan 29 Denim Blue Imported Epsom Calfskin Clutch

Price $383.90

Quality: Top Grade, AAAAA 1:1 quality
All of the pictures on website are 100% photoes of real products.
Main color: Denim Blue
Materials: Made of top quality genuine leather, imported anti-rust hardware
Size (LxHxD): 11.4" x 5.9" x 1" (29cm x 15cm x 2.5cm)
Packaging: Hermes original dust-proof plastic packaging bags
Note: Hermes with the original serial number, serial card and a detailed description.

Hermes Jige Elan 29 Denim Blue Imported Epsom Calfskin Clutch


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