Best knockoff Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags Wholesale

lv replicas

wholesale lv replicas

Many people know there are tons of sellers on net selling fake Louis Vuitton items, from designer handbags, to perfumes, to just about anything! Why do they do that? They feel the designer Louis Vuitton is charging too much and do it on spite of them. Usually these replica lv items are made in the same factory that the real ones are produced in, at after-hours.

They want to advertise them as authentic, sealed, 100% guarantee, etc., however that may not always be the case. Therefore, I am writing this guide. Would you like to get that authentic Louis Vuitton bag for a good deal? Or would you like to pay full price for a cheap knock off Louis Vuitton? I'm thinking you'd choose the first option.

First of all, search for one of those designer Louis Vuitton replica products on, anything from purses, to coats, to perfumes, and everything else in between. After you have done so, see if the seller has more than one of the same item listed, and check their completed listings to see if the same item you are looking at has been listed in the past by the seller. Usually, if your selling replicas, your selling in bulk, advertising as brand new 100% authentic, sealed in the box (or whatever the case may be), with receipt, etc. However, it is very easy to say all of that, and make, you, the consumer believe that.

 Louis Vuitton handbags have "date codes" embossed either on interior tags, d rings, behind the pockets, or directly on the interior linings.  Date codes identify the manufacturing location and date for a Louis Vuitton handbag, they not to verify  authenticity. louis vuitton does this for their own reasons. When a louis vuitton handbag is ever brought in for repairs they will remove the original date code and replace it with a new updated code. Date codes can be found on all Louis Vuitton handbags and other merchandise. Quickly let me say all louis vuitton have a date code and i do mean every single if there is no date code except before 1980 it is not real


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