At AAA Handbags is produced in the same manner as the genuine authentic Gucci designer handbags. We include the brand logo, zippers, interior lining and materials, all of which are of the highest quality. Each of our replica Prada are created through an extensive manufacturing process. And, once they roll off..
All of our merchandise comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! We will Immediately exchange any defective or wrong product shipped by accident and cover shipping expenses.
Temporary Return Policy
Due to the Corona Virus issue, China Customs is not accepting returned packages. We will only accept refunds/exchange if the replica product (belt, wallet, bags, clothes, shoes) itself is damaged, defective, or not as ordered. If this happen, you may choose to have an exchange (we'll send a new item to you) or refund the price you paid for your item (minus the transfer fees) through our own chosen refund method.
Customer is fully responsible for shipping expenses, returning item and safely arrival to our return address. In rare occasions a return could be seized by China Customs, therefore we are not responsible and can't issue refunds .
We will instruct you where to return your bag(s). Do not return to sender. You must contact us before returning any items in order to receive a refund or replacement. Our shipping forwarders will not accept returns or exchanges which is why you need a return address and RMA # from our returns department.
You must send your returned package via courier at your own expense to China and provide us with a tracking number in order for an Exchange or refund to be issued. In such cases, we will lose the initial cost of shipping to you, and so, unfortunately, can not offer to pay the return fees.