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Louis Vuitton Kimono Monogram Replica Handbags,WAllets, it was love at first sight. From the moment I first saw it I knew I had to have it. Its bold and exotic appearance, unique personality and understated charm are just a few of the things I adore about the Louis Vuitton Kimono Monogram Canvas bag. Inspired by one of the most intriguing symbols from the land of the rising sun, this purse is a tribute to the traditional Japanese robe. Its design is an echo for simplistic beauty and everlasting elegance. It is a very unique LV handbag that knows how to get the right attention in every crowd.

The LV Kimono is an intriguingly graphic tote that steals the show with a magnetic combination of Monogram canvas and fine calf leather. But its design is so much more than just a nice balance of contrasting materials. Its design is captivating because it blends two very powerful motifs. One is the V-signature logo that has its origins in a classic Louis Vuitton advertisement from the ��65s and the other is the Japanese Kimono robe, a cultural symbol that emphasizes beauty and elegance.

I think that by now you already got the idea. I really adore this bag. And since I am absolutely crazy about its unique design, I was looking forward to buying it. After months of wait, research and deciding my new and amazing Louis Vuitton Monogram Kimono Monogram Canvas replica handbag is finally here. And it is everything I expected it to be- stunning, beautiful and last, but not least, imposing. Below you will find all my thoughts about this striking LV fake bag.

My Louis Vuitton Kimono tote replica is loyal to the original sizes of the authentic bag as it measures 16.5 x 17 x 5.7 inches (length x height x width). LV makes it in only one size which could be considered medium. It is not very big, but it is not small either. It is just right for carrying it every day to work, shopping or to social events. You can also put a lot of things inside. Due to its generous proportions, the purse is quite spacious and practical. Plus, its carefully studied construction allows ideal weight distribution so that it feels lighter when it��s full.,wallets+


��Affordability is definitely a factor,�� Foster says. ��[In recent years,] we saw luxury bags reach extremely aspirational price points that priced many fashion forward consumers out of the market, which created a bit of a gap in the market for leather bags that are still an investment purchase but that aren��t going to break your bank account.��

Sarah Staudinger, former fashion director of Reformation, co-founded Los Angeles-based fashion label Staud in 2015. Between 2016 and 2017, the brand��s revenue surged by 400 percent. ��Because the new consumer is savvy, I think there��s less value on high brands,�� she says. ��[They] realise that all the things that go into a bag that��s $2,500 isn��t really the true value of the bag, but it��s [other things] like packaging and expensive store locations that add to the expense. With us, the value is really going into the bags.��


Danse Lente's 'Lorna' bucket bag | Source: Courtesy
��The design and quality is often even the same [as luxury brands],�� agrees London College of Fashion graduate Youngwon Kim, founder of London-based Danse Lente, which is known for its structural, oversized ��Lorna�� bucket bags that retail for £485 (about $630). Launched in April of this year, Danse Lente has also seen rapid growth, with orders from wholesale partners increasing by 2,160 percent between its debut Pre-Fall 2017 season and Resort 2018. Net-a-Porter, Moda Operandi and Selfridges even placed mid-season reorders for its first collection.

Cult Gaia, founded by Fashion Institute of Technology graduate Jasmin Larian in 2012, has seen revenue grow over 850 percent compared to this time last year, mainly attributed to its ��Ark�� model. ��We are doing the same amount of sales of the whole last year in a week now,�� says Larian, who ignored early advice to raise her prices in order to sell to luxury retailers. ��They would say that we had to raise our prices otherwise we would never sit next to [luxury brands like] Gucci and none of the stores were going to buy our bags,�� Larian recalls. But the rules have changed and today Cult Gaia is sold alongside the likes of Chlo��, C��line and Prada.

Also contributing to the popularity of niche handbag brands is increased consumer demand for the unique and hard-to-find. ��[This] emerging group of designers are developing products that identify with today��s consumer by offering uniqueness and exclusivity that has been diluted in the luxury handbag market,�� says Sara Wong, divisional merchandise manager at Pedder Group, which is responsible for the buy of all bags, shoes and accessories at Lane Crawford. Wong says the retailer may double �� even triple �� its buy of niche brands next season to support its customers�� demands. ��Having the right bag [now] is more important than having the most expensive bag,�� she says.


Staud's 'Deneuve' bag | Source: Courtesy
For these emerging brands, selling wholesale to influential retailers is a valuable tool for authoritative brand exposure. But it is direct-to-consumer sales, driven by social media, that is proving key to growth.

��[Instagram] has really acted as our sales team. Every single account that has reached out to us so far before we brought on our showroom in February, has found us through Instagram,�� says Larian, who boasts 128,000 followers on the Cult Gaia account, and attributes 70 percent of sales to the brand��s website. ��To have cash flow that we get immediately from our own e-commerce is our lifeline,�� she adds.

For Staud, direct-to-consumer represents 90 percent of total sales, while Danse Lente��s Kim hopes to channel this avenue with a mono-brand store in the future.

But while rapid growth can be promising, it can also increase the risk of overexposure and subsequent consumer fatigue, if not managed carefully. Emerging brands associated with trend-led products are especially vulnerable.

��We could have been a one hit wonder but innovating and managing distribution in your own niche is important,�� says Larian. ��At the end of the day, the product is king and the rest comes after.��,,handbags%20tote%20,handbags%20tote%20[category_id]=15000

The ban, which the NFL say will be ��100% enforced�� at both grounds, is a tougher extension of the policy in the United States which limits the size of bags allowed into stadiums.

London will host four NFL ties this year, starting with Baltimore Ravens at Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley in September before, in October, New Orleans Saints face Miami Dolphins under the arch and Twickenham hosts Arizona Cardinals at LA Rams and Minnesota Vikings at Cleveland Browns

The NFL��s full statement read: 

��The NFL has today announced that to help provide a safer environment for all fans, NFL will be implementing their strict bag policy for all 2017 NFL London Games which will be 100% enforced at both Wembley Stadium and Twickenham Stadium.


��The NFL��s bag policy, which The NFL Committee on Stadium Security unanimously recommended in May 2013 will enhance public safety and make it easier for fans to gain access to all stadiums.

��This policy will ensure that fans will be able to enjoy their tailgate activities in the parking lots and to do so with greater safety and the knowledge that their entry into the stadium will be smoother and faster. They also will continue to be able to carry items allowed into the stadium, such as binoculars, cameras, and smart phones.

��If for any reason (medical or other) fans require a bag that does not adhere to this policy, they are encouraged to contact the support teams prior to gameday at for the NFL London Games at Wembley, and on 020 8831 6589 for Twickenham games.��