
wereplica.ru High Quality Replica Designer Shoes - Shop high quality replica designer shoes, clothing, bags and more accessories online here at We Replica. Our mission is to be the global supplier with luxury products and best price

PayPal: We accept PayPal and payments through PayPal Invoice as a primary payment method. During checkout you will be notified to check and review a PayPal invoice. You will process your payment via Paypal Invoice Payment.

All refunds will be processed to your original method of payment (either PayPal or your credit/debit card).

Other payment methods: Western Union, Money Gram, Wise Transfer.

We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at werep.teamsp@gmail.com to get our return address information. For the product that needs to be customized, you can not return the goods as it was made only for you. The replacement will be in the same value or higher quality.

For product replacement, you can return it for up to 7 days from the date you purchased it in new, unworn and unaltered condition with full box option, and use the service that you can ensure and track it.

You will be responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Once goods have been dispatched, we are not held responsible for any loss or damage caused by the courier company. We always ensure items are carefully packed and protected.

If the buyer refuses to receive the goods, only 50% of the transaction will be refunded

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