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Payment can only be made via CREDIT CARDS at the moment, but we don�t accept Debit card. But before you place an order using credit card on our site, we do hope that you could spend some time reading the following information to understand how credit card purchases are processed.

Our site is concerned about the safety and security of our customers. Accordingly, we have put a number of technological protections in place to ensure that our transaction process is extremely safe and that our customers' information is secure.

When buying or selling online, caution must always be exercised. The overwhelming majority of online transactions are completed without incident, but this site has developed the following guidelines to help ensure that your online shopping experience is safe and secure.
How credit card purchases are processed?

1. To Place an order and type credit card number on a secure site of an online store. Store administrator sees the shopping cart details, which include order and billing information.

2. Shopping cart details along with merchant account are sent to payment gateway secure server for processing.

3. Payment gateway forwards transaction information to merchant�s acquiring bank.

4. Merchant�s acquiring bank forwards transaction information to the credit card issuing bank for transaction verification.

5. Credit card issuing bank verifies transaction and sends response code (Approve, Deny, and reason for denial if applicable) back to merchant�s acquiring bank.

6. Merchant�s bank sends credit card transaction details and response back to payment gateway. If payment is approved, the bank will deposit funds on a merchant�s account at the scheduled time.

7. Payment gateway sends transaction details and response back to merchant�s online store.

8. Payment information is displayed to the customer; i.e. �credit card was charged�, �credit card was denied�, etc.

At certain processing stages fees will be charged from the transaction total. The amount of fees depends on a payment gateway used, merchant account, credit card type, and other factors; it usually adds up to be two to three percent of total charges.

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