

www.repsunited.com has made it very easy for all of our fashion conscious customers to purchase replica handbags,wallet and watches,but some people said this is a scam site .here are some reviews that i found


I placed an order and my money immediately cleared and RepsUnited immediately disappeared with all of it. I never got my order...never got my money back...and I can't get anyone to answer. The phone number is fake. The whole thing is a scam. I've filed a fraud alert with PayPal. Thankfully I paid via PayPal. Warning--do not trust this site!!!

this website repsunited.com is a total scam, he owe me money from their affiliate program and he is not answering to my messages. Don't waste your time and money.

Very good company indeed, very impressed with the speed of the service. Delivery was as promised and when I had a question it was answered straight away. Would certainly use repsunited company again.


I have ordered a Rolex watch and LV clutch, appeared to be very qualitative and looks like original. The customer service is polite and fast. I would fairly recommend this store as their products satisfied me very much.

I've ordered a LV bag and a watch. The items were very good quality. I haven't had any problems with delivery, or customer service. I even asked for my watches to be sized before they came and they took care of it for no charge. I'm sure there are problems sometimes as no business is perfect, I've just haven't had any issues with this site but I also am careful as to which replica's I get
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