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Return Policy
Products with quality-related issues may be returned for a refund or exchange by contacting Customer Service within 7 days of receiving your order. repyes.cn will be responsible for any shipping fees incurred.
Products (excluding Made-To-Order, disposable, lingerie items, and Clearance items) with no quality-related issues may be returned for a refund or exchange by contacting Customer Service within 7 days of receiving your order. You will be responsible for all return shipping fees incurred.
For Made-To-Order clothing, if the items do not fit properly but were made accurately according to your order specifications, you are eligible for a free, one-time-only re-sizing service. You are responsible for all shipping fees incurred.
Any product that has been used does not qualify for a return or exchange. All returned items must be in brand-new condition, unused and with original tags and packaging.
Repyes guarantees its products against material and workmanship defects within the warranty period. If a defect arises and a valid claim is received by Customer Service within the warranty period, we can offer you an exchange, repair service, or new components for replacement.
If a defect arises and a valid claim is received by Customer Service within the warranty period, we can offer you an exchange, repair service, or new components for replacement.Make sure to read the following Product-specific Warranty Periods table for more details (when applicable).
Category | Sub Categories | Warranty Period |
Home & Garden | Faucets, Lights | 12 Months |
Electronics | All Products | 2 Months |
Mobile Phones & Tablets | All Products | 30 Days |
Healthy & Beauty | Tattoos, Wigs, Health Care, Massager | 3 Months |
Toys & Hobbies | Radio Control | 30 Days |
Cosplay and Costumes, Ukuleles, Violins, Harmonicas, Saxophones, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars |
3 Months | |
Instrument Accessories | 6 Months | |
Cosplay & Costumes | All Products | 3 Months |
Sports & Outdoor | Frames, Forks, Handlebars & Stems | 12 Months |
Pedals, Seat Posts & Saddles | 30 Days | |
Gadgets & Accessories | All Products | 30 Days |