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Authentic products from are guaranteed to be of the highest quality.all of the products comes with dust bag ,authentication cards,box shopping bag and pamphlets,the handbags you receive will look exactlu as the shot photos on the website in terms of quality and description, All products are sourced directly from the manufacturer and are inspected for quality assurance before being shipped to customers. All products are also backed by a satisfaction guarantee, so customers can be sure they are getting the best quality product possible

Fendi baguette

Fendi baguette

100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Fendi Production (imported from Europe) Comes with dust bag, authentication cards, box, shopping bag and pamphlets. Receipts are only included upon request. Counter Quality Replica (True Mirror Image Replica) Dimensions:18cm x6.5cm x 11.5cm

Fendi baguette

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