www.aaareplicas.cn reviews

www.aaareplicas.cn reviews
www.aaareplicas.cn the highest quality of fake handbags available on the market.The website looks very friendly and is also quite easy to use as it does not have many interactive features or complicated buttons,but the Website template is same as aaareplicas.se and aaareplicas.nu ,i think these siste are own by same people,so if you have ordered from aaareplicas.se or aaareplicas.nu ,you will know whether this one is scam

Return Order Form

We stand by our products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! The quality and craftsmanship are of the highest quality, and we guarantee the value of our products. We have an impeccable high reputation for selling the highest quality replicas on the net .
All of our merchandise comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! We will Immediately exchange any defective or wrong product shipped by accident . If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase you may ship back for an Exchange or Full Refund.

You have 15 days from the time of receipt to notify us of any issues with your merchandise. All items must be returned to China within 30 days of receipt in order for a refund or replacement to be issued.
New unused condition with all tags and original packaging. No item will be accepted after it has been used. Sorry, used products cannot be credited back . By wearing the product the first time, our refund policy is voided.  The product is subject to final inspection before your return is processed.
We will instruct you where to return your bag(s). Do not return to sender. You must contact us before returning any items in order to receive a refund or replacement. Our shipping forwarders will not accept returns or exchanges which is why you need a return address and RMA # from our returns department.
You must send your returned package via courier at your own expense to China and provide us with a tracking number in order for a Exchange or refund to be issued. In such cases, we will lose the initial cost of shipping to you, and so, unfortunately, can not offer to pay the return fees.
Once you have provided a tracking number and we can successfully track the package online we will take responsibility for return shipment. If your package is lost you will still receive your refund/exchange.
Refund will be made in the same form in which payment was received (ie. Refunded on your credit card) and may take up to 15 ?C 20 business days to appear back on card.

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